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글자를 포함한 스크린 샷을 찍습니다. 본문
TextToImage 1.07 - Write text onto an image or screenshot
#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#Include, TextToImage-1.07.ahk
;MsgBox, %E%
; TextToImage v1.07 by tic
; TextToImage can overlay writing to a screenshot of the entire screen or active window, or from an existing image and write to file
; TextToImage(In, Text, Output, x, y, Font, TColour, Size, Weight)
; In: Can either be the "Screen" or "Window" and will take a screenshot of the respective choice, or the location of an exisitng image
; Text: This is the text to overlay onto the screenshot
; Output: This is the path and filename that the image will be written to.
; The extension can be .bmp,.jpg,.png,.tif,.gif and will be written as that type accordingly
; x: This is the x-coordinate to place the text. This coordinate will be the distance from the left the text will be placed.
; This value may be a ratio. For instance 4:5 would place the text at the position 4/5ths of the width of the image
; You must also consult which mode align is in
; y: This is the y-coordinate to place the text. This coordinate will be the distance from the top the text will be placed.
; This value may be a ratio. For instance 1:3 would place the text at the position 1/3ths of the height of the image
; You must also consult which mode align is in
; Size: This is the height of the text in pixels
; Align: This must have 2 styles set, The text's x placement (Left,Centre,Right) and the text's y placement (Top,Bottom)
; It must be used for example as Left|Bottom - This would place the text at the bottom of it's bounding area and aligned left
; Weight: This is the boldness of the text. Make the value greater to make it more bold
; Font: This is the font to set the text to be
; Examples are: Arial, Bookman Old Style, Times New Roman
; TColour: This is the colour to set the text in RGB format.
; So FF0000 is red
; Style: Can contain the words Underline,Italic,Strikeout and will set the text in the appropriate styles
WinGetPos, nL, nT, nW, nH, A ; Get coordinates for active window
WinGetTitle, Title, A
GoSub, TTS_GdiplusShutdown
Return, "Window is not visible"
NumPut(nW, bi, 4)
NumPut(nH, bi, 8)
NumPut(32, NumPut(1, bi, 12, "UShort"), 0, "Ushort")
hBM := DllCall("gdi32CreateDIBSection", "UInt", mDC, "UInt", &bi, "UInt", 0, "UIntP", "", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "UInt", 0) ; Get DC of screen and bitblt either whole screen or active window
DllCall("BitBlt", "UInt", mDC, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", nW, "Int", nH, "UInt", hDC, "Int", nL, "Int", nT, "UInt", 0x40000000|0x00CC0020)
DllCall("kernel32MultiByteToWideChar", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", &In, "Int", -1, "UInt", &wFile, "Int", VarSetCapacity(wFile)//2)
If !pBitmap
Gosub, TTS_GdiplusShutdown
Return, "Failed to load image"
StringSplit, OutputArray, Output, .
Extension := "." . OutputArray%OutputArray0%
GoSub, TTS_GdiplusShutdown
Return, "Invalid file extension. Only bmp,jpg,png,tif,gif are available"
GoSub, TTS_GdiplusShutdown
Width := NumGet(bm, 4, "Int") ; Get properties of bitmap
Height := NumGet(bm, 8, "Int")
bpp := NumGet(bm, 18, "Ushort")
DllCall("SetGraphicsMode", "UInt", mDC, "UInt", 2) ; Set graphics mode for DC to allow world transformations
LogPixelsSY := DllCall("GetDeviceCaps", "UInt", hDC, "Int", 90) ; Number of pixels per logical inch along the screen height
TextHeight := -(Size*logPixelsSY)/72
NumPut(TextHeight, logfont, 0) ; Set text height
;NumPut(TextWidth, logfont, 4) ; Change text width
NumPut(Weight, logfont, 16) ; Set text weight
NumPut(1, logfont, 21)
NumPut(1, logfont, 20)
NumPut(1, logfont, 22)
NumPut(5, logfont, 26) ; ClearType antialiasing XP and above only
AlignWord := "Right,Top,Bottom,Centre,Left"
AlignNum := "2,0,8,6,0"
StringSplit, AlignWords, AlignWord, `,
StringSplit, AlignNums, AlignNum, `,
Loop, %AlignWords0%
StringReplace, Align, Align, % AlignWords%A_Index%, % AlignNums%A_Index%, All
StringSplit, Pos, Align, |
Align := Pos1 | Pos2
TColour := "0x" . TColour
prevColor := DllCall("SetTextColor", "UInt", mDC, "UInt", ((TColour & 0xFF) << 16) + (TColour & 0xFF00) + ((TColour >> 16) & 0xFF), "UInt")
StringSplit, XRatio, x, :
XPos := XRatio1*(Width//XRatio2)
XPos := x
StringSplit, YRatio, y, :
YPos := YRatio1*(Height//YRatio2)
YPos := y
Loop, %Text0%
YPos += 1.5*Size ; Draw text Into device
Loop, %nCount%
If pImage ; Save image to file
sString := Output
nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", &sString, "Int", -1, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0)
DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", &sString, "Int", -1, "UInt", &wString, "Int", nSize)
GoSub, TTS_GdiplusShutdown
Return, XPos . "|" . YPos
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