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SplashText Sizer - WYSIWYG 본문
Even after tooltips and traytips I find myself using SplashText sometimes. Traytips are always in short supply, no matter how many apps try, only one can use it at a time. And SplashText is always more attention grabbing than Tooltips. But its usually a pain to use trial & error for sizing it just right, as it doesn't auto-size itself like tool/tray tips.
Use this script to put in Title and Text for SplashText and size it using arrow keys... and when u get it right, press escape and the cmd reqd will be copied to clipboard... simple!... Its completely "what you see is what you get" (I guess SmartGUI is spoiling me!
Use this script to put in Title and Text for SplashText and size it using arrow keys... and when u get it right, press escape and the cmd reqd will be copied to clipboard... simple!... Its completely "what you see is what you get" (I guess SmartGUI is spoiling me!

;The step-size per change (in pixels) Step = 5 ; Generated by SmartGUI Creator 3.0 Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y7 w250 h20 vSTitle, Title Gui, Add, Edit, x6 y37 w250 h130 vSText, Text Gui, Add, Button, x46 y177 w70 h20 Default, Ok Gui, Add, Button, x136 y177 w70 h20, Cancel Gui, Show, h206 w265, Enter SplashText Here: Return ButtonCancel: GuiClose: ExitApp ButtonOk: Gui, Submit gosub, DynamicSplash SWidth = %len% SHeight = %lines% SplashTextOn, %SWidth%, %SHeight%, %STitle%, %SText% HotKey, Up, Up HotKey, Down, Down HotKey, Left, Left HotKey, Right, Right Return Up: IfGreaterOrEqual, SHeight, %Step% SHeight -= %Step% SplashTextOn, %SWidth%, %SHeight%, %STitle%, %SText% Return Down: SHeight += %Step% SplashTextOn, %SWidth%, %SHeight%, %STitle%, %SText% Return Left: IfGreaterOrEqual, SWidth, %Step% SWidth -= %Step% SplashTextOn, %SWidth%, %SHeight%, %STitle%, %SText% Return Right: SWidth += %Step% SplashTextOn, %SWidth%, %SHeight%, %STitle%, %SText% Return Esc:: SplashTextOff StringReplace, SText, SText, `n, ``n, A SetEnv, ClipBoard, SplashTextOn`, %SWidth%`, %SHeight%`, %STitle%`, %SText%`n SplashTextOn, 273, 46, Done!, The required command is copied to ClipBoard. Sleep, 500 ExitApp Return DynamicSplash: setenv, charspace, 7 ;set space taken per character in text here setenv, linespace, 21 ;set space taken per line here StringSplit, piece, stext, `n setenv, len, 0 Loop, %piece0% { StringLen, len0, piece%A_Index% ifgreater, len0, %len%, setenv, len, %len0% } setenv, lines, %piece0% envmult,len, %charspace% envmult,lines, %linespace% envadd, len, 10 Return
'AUTOHOTKEY > 스크립트' 카테고리의 다른 글
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