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[autohotkey] 로 만든 XML Explorer 본문

; XML Explorer 1.8 - by Titan SetBatchLines, -1 #SingleInstance ignore #NoTrayIcon #NoEnv #Include XMLWrite.ahk #Include XMLRead.ahk #Include XMLQuery.ahk #Include Anchor.ahk SetControlDelay, -1 SetWinDelay, -1 title = XML Explorer EnvGet, settings, AppData settings = %settings%\%title%.ini Gui, +Resize Gui, Font, , Tahoma Gui, Add, Text, vFileT Section ym+10, XML Document: Gui, Add, Edit, vFileP Section ys-1 w515 h18 ReadOnly 0x400 Gui, Add, Button, vFileO Section ys-2 w50 gFileOpen, &Open Gui, Add, TreeView, vTree Section xm ys+40 w300 h355 AltSubmit gTreeUpdate Gui, Font, s1 Gui, Add, Text, vSBMask h1 Gui, Font Gui, Add, StatusBar Gui, Add, Tab, vProp Section xs+315 ys h25 w350 +Theme, Properties||Loading Gui, Tab, Properties Gui, Add, Text, vPathT Section xs ys+37, Path: Gui, Font, bold Gui, Add, Edit, vPath ys-2 h18 w285 Gui, Font Gui, Add, Button, vPathCh ys-2 w18 h18 gPathCh, ... Gui, Add, Button, Section vTrAdd xs+215 w65 h20 gTrAdd, &Add + Gui, Add, Button, vTrDel xs+70 ys w65 h20 gTrDel, &Delete - Gui, Add, Text, vConT Section xs-215 ys+25, Contents: Gui, Add, Edit, vCon Section xs w350 h90 gCon Gui, Add, Button, vImport Section xs+215 w65 h20 gImport, I&mport... Gui, Add, Button, vAutoTxt xp+70 yp w65 h20 gAutoText, Auto&Text Gui, Add, Text, vAttT Section xs-215 ys+25, Attributes: Gui, Add, ListView, vAtt Section xs w350 h80 -Multi NoSort AltSubmit gLV, Name|Value Gui, Add, Button, vVal Section w65 h20 gValUD, &Change Gui, Add, Button, vAttA xs+215 ys w65 h20 gValAdd, &Insert + Gui, Add, Button, vAttD xp+70 ys w65 h20 gValDel, &Remove - Gui, Tab, Loading Gui, Add, Text, vHTrMsg Section y+50 w330 Center, Loading... Gui, Add, Progress, vHTrPro w330 -Smooth Gui, Tab ctrlpos = FileP,FileO,HTrMsg,HTrPro,Tree,SBMask,TrAdd,TrDel,Prop ,Path,PathCh,Con,Import,PlainTxt,AutoTxt,AttT,Att,AttA,AttD,Val Loop, Parse, ctrlpos, `, GuiControlGet, %A_LoopField%_, Pos, %A_LoopField% GuiControl, , Prop, |Properties|| GuiControl, Disable, Val file = %1% If FileExist(file) and 0 Goto, FileSet FilePrompt: msg("Open/Create document...", 25) IniRead, x, %settings%, Window, X, Center IniRead, y, %settings%, Window, Y, Center IfLess, x, 0, SetEnv, x, Center IfLess, y, 0, SetEnv, y, Center Gui, Show, x%x% y%y%, %title% msgt = XML Explorer - Start SetTimer, _msgchange, 10 Gui, +OwnDialogs MsgBox, 35, %msgt%, Do you wish to open an existing XML document or create one? IfMsgBox, Yes Goto, FileOpen IfMsgBox, No Goto, FileNew IfMsgBox, Cancel ExitApp _msgchange: If WinExist(msgt) SetTimer, _msgchange, Off Gui, +LastFound ControlSetText, Button1, &Open..., %msgt% ControlSetText, Button2, &New, %msgt% Return GuiSize: If !GuiS { Gui, +LastFound WinGetPos, , , GuiSW, GuiSH OnMessage(0x24, "WM_GETMINMAXINFO") GuiS := true } Anchor("FileP", "", "", FileP_W) Anchor("FileO", FileO_X, "", "", "", 1) Anchor("HTrMsg", "", "", HTrMsg_W) Anchor("HTrPro", "", "", HTrPro_W) Anchor("Tree", "", "", "", Tree_H) Anchor("SBMask", "", SBMask_Y) Anchor("TrAdd", TrAdd_X, "", "", "", 1) Anchor("TrDel", TrDel_X, "", "", "", 1) Anchor("Prop", "", "", Prop_W) Anchor("Path", "", "", Path_W) Anchor("PathCh", PathCh_X) Anchor("Con", "", "", Con_W, Con_H) Anchor("Import", Import_X, Import_Y, "", "", 1) Anchor("AutoTxt", AutoTxt_X, AutoTxt_Y, "", "", 1) Anchor("AttT", "", AttT_Y, "", "", 1) Anchor("Att", "", Att_Y, Att_W) Anchor("AttA", AttA_X, AttA_Y, "", "", 1) Anchor("AttD", AttD_X, AttD_Y, "", "", 1) Anchor("Val", "", Val_Y, "", "", 1) LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr") Return PathCh: If TreeGoto(Get("Path")) msg("Specified path selected", 177) Else msg("Specified path not found", 110) Return TreeUpdate: TreeList() If (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick") GuiControl, Focus, Con Return Import: IniRead, t, %settings%, Misc, Path, %A_MyDocuments% Gui, +OwnDialogs FileSelectFile, t, 3, %t%, Select file to import..., Text Documents (*txt) IfEqual, ErrorLevel, 1, Return FileRead, t, %t% GuiControl, , Con, % Get("Con") . t msg("Imported text", 39) Return AutoText: If !AutoT { Menu, AutoT, Add, &RSS Date, AutoT_RSSDate Menu, AutoT, Add, &ISO Date, AutoT_ISODate Menu, AutoT, Add, &Webpage, AutoT_Webpage Menu, AutoT, Add, &File..., AutoT_File Menu, AutoT, Add, &Author, AutoT_Author AutoT := true } Else Menu, AutoT, Show Return AutoT_RSSDate: GuiControl, , Con, % Get("Con") . A_DDD . ", " . A_DD . " " . A_MMM . " " . A_YYYY . " " . A_Hour . ":" . A_Min . ":" . A_Sec . " GMT" msg("Added AutoText: RSS Date", 75) Goto, Con AutoT_ISODate: GuiControl, , Con, % Get("Con") . A_YYYY . "-" . A_MM . "-" . A_DD msg("Added AutoText: ISO Date", 75) Goto, Con AutoT_Webpage: InputBox, t, Webpage, Webpage URL:, , , 125, , , , , http://www. GuiControl, , Con, % Get("Con") . t msg("Added AutoText: Webpage URL", 75) Goto, Con AutoT_File: IniRead, t, %settings%, Misc, Path, %A_MyDocuments% IniRead, t1, %settings%, Misc, File, %A_Space% Gui, +OwnDialogs FileSelectFile, t, , %t%\%t1%, Select file... GuiControl, , Con, % Get("Con") . t msg("Added AutoText: File path", 75) Goto, Con AutoT_Author: GuiControl, , Con, % Get("Con") . A_UserName msg("Added AutoText: Author", 75) Goto, Con Return ValUD: LV_GetText(t1, LV_GetNext(), 2) Gui, +OwnDialogs InputBox, t, Change value, New value of attribute:, , , 125, , , , , %t1% If ErrorLevel Return Lock(0) LV_GetText(t1, LV_GetNext()) XMLWrite(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), t, "attribute('" . t1 . "')") Lock() LV_Modify(LV_GetNext(), "Col2", t) msg("Changed attribute value", 22) Return ValAdd: Gui, +OwnDialogs InputBox, t, New attribute name, Enter the name of the new attribute:, , , 125 If ErrorLevel Return Lock(0) XMLWrite(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), "value", "attribute('" . t . "')") Lock() LV_Add("Focus Select", t, "value") msg("Added attribute", 177) Goto, ValUD Return ValDel: LV_GetText(t, LV_GetNext()) Lock(0) XMLWrite(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), "", "attribute('" . t . "')") Lock() LV_Delete(LV_GetNext()) msg("Deleted attribute", 132) Return LV: If !LV_GetNext() GuiControl, Disable, Val Else GuiControl, Enable, Val If (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick") Goto, ValUD Return Con: Lock(0) If Get("Path") XMLWrite(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), Get("Con")) Lock() msg("Updated contents", 148) Return TrAdd: If TV_GetCount() { Gui, +OwnDialogs MsgBox, 35, New branch, Do you want to create a child node (select No for a sibling)? IfMsgBox, Cancel, Return IfMsgBox, Yes, SetEnv, t1, 1 Else t1 = 0 } Else t1 = 0 Gui, +OwnDialogs InputBox, t, New branch, Enter the name of the new node:, , , 125 If ErrorLevel Return t2 := TV_GetSelection() IfEqual, t1, 0, SetEnv, t2, % TV_GetParent(t2) t1 := TV_Add(t, t2, "Focus Select") Lock(0) If Get("Path") XMLWrite(Get("FileP"), Get("Path") . "." . t, " ") Lock() msg("Added item", 177) Return TrDel: Gui, +OwnDialogs MsgBox, 276, Delete branch, Do you want to delete the selected branch including all of its child nodes? IfMsgBox, No, Return TV_Delete(TV_GetSelection()) Lock(0) If Get("Path") XMLWrite(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), "") Lock() msg("Deleted item", 132) Return FileNew: IniRead, t, %settings%, Misc, Path, %A_MyDocuments% Gui, +OwnDialogs FileSelectFile, file, S18, %t%, Create XML Document..., XML Documents (*.xml; *.html) If !file Goto, FilePrompt FileDelete, %file% SplitPath, file, , , t If !t file = %file%.xml FileDelete, %file% Goto, FileSet Return FileOpen: GuiControlGet, v, , FileO If v = Cl&ose Goto, FileClose IniRead, t, %settings%, Misc, Path, %A_MyDocuments% IniRead, t1, %settings%, Misc, File, %A_Space% Gui, +OwnDialogs FileSelectFile, file, 3, %t%\%t1%, Open XML Document..., XML Documents (*.xml; *.html) If !file Goto, FilePrompt FileSet: StringRight, filename, file, StrLen(file) - InStr(file, "\", 0, 0) OnExit, Unlock GuiControl, , FileP, %file% Lock() GuiControl, , FileO, Cl&ose If !TreeUpdate() { Reload Sleep, 500 ; reload bug hack } Gui, Show, , %filename% - %title% Return FileClose: Gosub, Close Reload GuiClose: Unlock: Gosub, Close ExitApp Return Close: msg("Closing...", 28) Lock(0) Gui, +LastFound WinGetPos, t, t1 IniWrite, %t%, %settings%, Window, X IniWrite, %t1%, %settings%, Window, Y t := Get("FileP") SplitPath, t, t, t1, t2 StringReplace, t, t, .%t2%, , 1 If t { IniWrite, %t1%, %settings%, Misc, Path IniWrite, %t%.%t2%, %settings%, Misc, File } Return TreeGoto(path) { StringReplace, path, path, (, [, 1 StringReplace, path, path, ), ], 1 StringReplace, path, path, ., ., 1 o := ErrorLevel + 1 t := TV_GetNext() Loop, Parse, path, . { f = 0 e = %A_LoopField% If InStr(e, "[") and InStr(e, "]") StringMid, i, e, InStr(e, "[") + 1, InStr(e, "]") - InStr(e, "[") - 1 Else i = 0 StringReplace, e, e, [%i%] Loop { TV_GetText(tx, t) If (tx == e) { f++ If (f - 1 = i) { If TV_GetChild(t) { t := TV_GetChild(t) ch = 1 } Else ch = 0 Break } Else t := TV_GetNext(t) } Else { t := TV_GetNext(t) IfEqual, t, 0, Return, false } } } If ch t := TV_GetParent(t) TV_Modify(t, "Vis Select Expand") Return, true } TreeList() { global TreeUpdate SB_SetText("Parsing data...") SB_SetIcon("Shell32.dll", 134) s := TV_GetSelection() TV_GetText(t, s) ; ok this is not the most efficient coding but I cba to do anything better p = %s% i = 0 Loop { p := TV_GetPrev(p) IfEqual, p, 0, Break TV_GetText(pn, p) If (t == pn) i++ } If i t = %t%(%i%) Loop { s := TV_GetParent(s) If !s Break TV_GetText(tn, s) p = %s% i = 0 Loop { p := TV_GetPrev(p) IfEqual, p, 0, Break TV_GetText(pn, p) If (tn == pn) i++ } IfEqual, i, 0, SetEnv, t, %tn%.%t% Else t = %tn%(%i%).%t% } ctrls = Con,Import,AutoTxt GuiControl, , Path, %t% typehtml := XMLRead(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), "attribute('type')") = "application/xhtml+xml" or XMLRead(Get("FileP"), Get("Path"), "attribute('type')") = "text/html" If !TV_GetChild(TV_GetSelection()) or typehtml { Loop, Parse, ctrls, `, GuiControl, Enable, %A_LoopField% GuiControl, , Con, % XMlRead(Get("FileP"), t) } Else { GuiControl, , Path, % Get("Path") Loop, Parse, ctrls, `, GuiControl, Disable, %A_LoopField% GuiControl, , Con } Lock(0) LV_Delete() a := XMLQuery(Get("FileP"), "Attributes", Get("Path")) If InStr(a, "='") StringReplace, a, a, ', ", 1 ; use '? as delimiter because that should not exist in XML 1.0 files (should be '¢') -- from manual StringReplace, a, a, "%A_Space%, ? 1 Loop, Parse, a, ? If A_LoopField { Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, = IfEqual, A_Index, 1, StringReplace, f1, A_LoopField, ", , 1 Else StringReplace, f2, A_LoopField, ", , 1 If f1 is space Continue Loop { StringLeft, t, f1, 1 If t is space StringTrimLeft, f1, f1, 1 Else Break } f1 = %f1% LV_Add("", f1, f2) LV_ModifyCol(1, "AutoHdr") LV_ModifyCol(2, "AutoHdr") x = 0 } Lock() If !TreeUpdate msg("Data parsed", 29) Else TreeUpdate = 0 } TreeUpdate() { global title time = %A_TickCount% TV_Delete() msg("Parsing document...", 23) Lock(0) v := XMLQuery(Get("FileP"), "List") FileRead, t, % Get("FileP") Lock() StringLeft, t, t, InStr(t, ">") If InStr(t, "HTML") and !InStr(t, "XHTML") or !InStr(t, "<?xml") { Gui, +OwnDialogs If InStr(t, "HTML") MsgBox, 52, HTML Document, % "The current file is an HTML document which can not be presented in an XML type structure." . "`nWould you like to open it anyway?" Else If !InStr(t, "<?xml") MsgBox, 16, Invalid XML Document, The current file is not a valid XML document. Would you like to open it anyway? IfMsgbox, No { Reload Sleep, 500 ; reload bug hack } } GuiControl, -Redraw, Tree GuiControl, , Prop, |Properties|Loading|| GuiControl, Show, HTrMsg GuiControl, Show, HTrPro ; warning: very bad coding ahead... StringReplace, v, v, `n, `n, All UseErrorlevel t = %ErrorLevel% Loop, Parse, v, `n { StringReplace, n, A_LoopField, ., ., All UseErrorlevel n = %ErrorLevel% If (n = nx) tp = %A_Index% Else { If !tp tp = #1 Else If (n + 1 = nx) tpa := lvl%n% Else If (n < nx) tpa := lvl%n% Else tpa := %tp% lvl%n% := tpa } IfInString, A_LoopField, ., StringRight, name, A_LoopField, StrLen(A_LoopField) - InStr(A_LoopField, ".", 1, 0) Else name = %A_LoopField% IfLess, A_Index, 3, SetEnv, opt, Expand Else SetEnv, opt %tp% := TV_Add(name, tpa, opt) nx = %n% TreeProgress(A_Index/t*100) IfEqual, A_Index, %t%, Break } TreeUpdate = 1 GuiControl, , Prop, |Properties|| GuiControl, Hide, HTrMsg GuiControl, Hide, HTrPro GuiControl, Focus, Tree GuiControl, +Redraw, Tree time := Round((A_TickCount - time) / 1000, 2) IfGreater, time, 0.25, SetEnv, time, - loaded in %time% seconds Else time := "" msg("Document parsing complete " . time, 159) Return, true } TreeProgress(i = 0) { i := Round(i) GuiControl, , HTrMsg, Loading... %i%`% GuiControl, , HTrPro, %i% } Lock(l = true) { static hfile If l hfile := DllCall("CreateFile", Str, file, UInt, 0x80000000, UInt, 0, UInt, 0, UInt, 3, UInt, 0, UInt, 0) Else DllCall("CloseHandle", UInt, hfile) Return, hfile } Get(ctrl) { GuiControlGet, e, , %ctrl% Return, e } key() { Gui, +LastFound Return, !WinActive() } msg(text, icon) { SB_SetText(text) FileGetVersion, v, Shell32.dll StringLeft, v, v, 1 If v = 6 SB_SetIcon("Shell32.dll", icon) } WM_GETMINMAXINFO(wParam, lParam) { global GuiSW, GuiSH, GuiS If !A_Gui or !GuiS Return InsertIntegerAtAddress(GuiSW, lParam, 24, 4) InsertIntegerAtAddress(GuiSH, lParam, 28, 4) Return, 0 } InsertIntegerAtAddress(pInteger, pAddress, pOffset = 0, pSize = 4) { mask := 0xFF Loop %pSize% { DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt, pAddress + pOffset + A_Index - 1, UInt, 1, UChar, (pInteger & mask) >> 8 * (A_Index - 1)) mask := mask << 8 } } ~!NumpadAdd:: ~!+=:: If key() Return GuiControlGet, t, FocusV If (t = "Tree") { id = 0 GuiControl, -Redraw, Tree Loop { id := TV_GetNext(id, "Full") If !id Break TV_Modify(id, "Expand") } GuiControl, +Redraw, Tree msg("All items collapsed", 138) } Return ~!NumpadSub:: ~!-:: If key() Return GuiControlGet, t, FocusV If (t = "Tree") { id = 0 GuiControl, -Redraw, Tree Loop { id := TV_GetNext(id, "Full") If !id Break TV_Modify(id, "-Expand") } GuiControl, +Redraw, Tree msg("All items uncollapsed", 147) } Return ~NumpadAdd:: ~+=:: ~Insert:: If key() Return GuiControlGet, t, FocusV If t = Tree Goto, TrAdd Else If t = Att Goto, ValAdd Return ~NumpadSub:: ~-:: ~Delete:: If key() Return GuiControlGet, t, FocusV If t = Tree Goto, TrDel Else If t = Att Goto, ValDel Return
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