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OnExit handle_exit Gui, +AlwaysOnTop +Owner +Resize +ToolWindow ; window for the dock Gui, Show, NoActivate w400 h400 x300 y50 , PrintScreen Gui, Add, DDL, vzoom , 0.5|1|2||4|8|16 Gui, Add, Checkbox, y12 x150 vantialize, Antialize ? Gui, Add, Slider, vdelay x220 y0 Range15-200 Gui, Add, Text, x340 y12 w80 vdelay2 WinGet PrintScreenID, id ,PrintScreen ; WinSet, Transparent , 254, PrintScreen ;retrieve the unique ID number (HWND/handle) of that window WinGet, PrintSourceID, id hotkey , #x , toggle_follow hotkey , +$LButton , click_through toolbar_def:=35 toolbar := toolbar_def follow :=0 hdd_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", UInt, PrintSourceID ) hdc_frame := DllCall( "GetDC", UInt, PrintScreenID ) hdc_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleDC", UInt, hdc_frame) ; buffer hbm_buffer := DllCall("gdi32.dll\CreateCompatibleBitmap", UInt,hdc_frame, Int,A_ScreenWidth, Int,A_ScreenHeight) Gosub, Repaint return toggle_follow: follow := 1 - follow if follow = 1 { WinSet Region, 0-0 W%ww% H%wh% E , PrintScreen toolbar := -32 ; height of window title GuiControl, Hide, zoom } else { WinSet Region,, PrintScreen toolbar :=toolbar_def GuiControl, Show, zoom } Return click_through: if follow = 1 { Gui, Hide Send, {Click} SetTimer, Repaint , Off Sleep, 100 Gui, Show SetTimer, Repaint, %delay% } Return Repaint: CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos, start_x, start_y ; position of mouse Gui, Submit, NoHide ; needed to read the dropdown and slidervalue GuiControl,, delay2 , delay %delay% ms WinGetPos, wx, wy, ww, wh , PrintScreen wh2 := wh - toolbar DllCall( "gdi32.dll\SetStretchBltMode", "uint", hdc_frame, "int", 4 * antialize ) ; Halftone better quality with stretch DllCall("gdi32.dll\StretchBlt", UInt,hdc_frame, Int,0, Int,toolbar, Int,ww, Int,wh - toolbar , UInt,hdd_frame, Int , start_x-(ww / 2 / zoom) , Int,start_y -( wh2 / 2/zoom), Int,ww / zoom, Int,wh2 / zoom ,UInt,0xCC0020) ; SRCCOPY if follow = 1 WinMove, PrintScreen, ,start_x -ww/2 , start_y-wh/2 SetTimer, Repaint , %delay% Return GuiClose: handle_exit: DllCall("gdi32.dll\DeleteObject", UInt,hbm_buffer) DllCall("gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", UInt,hdc_frame ) DllCall("gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", UInt,hdd_frame ) DllCall("gdi32.dll\DeleteDC", UInt,hdc_buffer) ExitApp
'AUTOHOTKEY > 스크립트' 카테고리의 다른 글
GroupBox2() (0) | 2013.01.15 |
ELP Extended-length path library 1.1 (0) | 2013.01.15 |
SendMessage scripts for ListBox (0) | 2010.03.23 |
Custom GUI Controls & GUI related (0) | 2010.02.22 |
[라이브러리] PGui (0) | 2009.01.12 |