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목록AUTOHOTKEY/스크립트 (38)
BASS Library - extreme AHK sound power! [ description ] BASS for powerful AHK soundplay >:D ! It gives AHK power to play: AIFF, AIF, AIFC, MP1, MP2, MP3, OGA, OGG, WAV, MO3, XM, MOD, S3M, IT, MTM, UMX soundfiles and STREAM on-the-fly plus 3d effects using EAX in a tiny 96KB dll. BASS can be extended with plugins, supporting formats like: FLAC, WMA, WMP, WMV, ASF, MID, MIDI, RMI, KAR, WV, WVC, AA..
http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3284 CustomMsgBox("Title","This MsgBox has a red font!","","cRed") CustomMsgBox("Title","This MsgBox has a blue italic Tahoma font!","Tahoma","cBlue Italic") CustomMsgBox("Title","This MsgBox has a white font and black background!!","","cWhite","Black") CustomMsgBox("Title","This MsgBox has a black Lucida Console font and horrible yellow background..
http://www.autohotkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Script_Listing :: SmartGUI Creator :: by Rajat (핫키로 제작된 GUI 편집기) A handy dialogue technique! (and colorful msgbox's ^_^) by Areilius (경고 메세지 창에 배경색과 글자색을 지정하는 함수) Animated Splash Screens by PhiLho (전체 화면 메세지 출력하기) Assign bitmap to any item in any AHK menu by shimanov (메뉴에 비트맵으로 아이콘 출력하기) Control Anchoring - for resizing windows by Titan (Anchor.ahk ..
$LButton:: Loop { if not GetKeyState("LButton", "P") { break }else{ Send, {space} sleep, 100 Click down left Sleep, 100 Click up left } } return
오토핫키로 만든 자동등록 확인하기 ; Captcha example by Titan Gui, + ToolWindow Gui, Add, Text, x10 y10 w75, Enter the code: Pass := Captcha(90, 10) Gui, Add, Edit, vInput x90 y50 w50 Gui, Add, Button, gGo default x145 y50 h20, Enter Gui, Show, , Captcha Return Go: Gui, Submit, NoHide If Input != % Pass MsgBox, 16, Error, You didnt enter the code correctly!`n`nThe code was: %Pass% else MsgBox, 64, Cool, done!`n..
HTMLText - Write HTML style text to a gui 사용예제 : HTMLText(x, y, Text, Gui)소스 : Text := "This text can have bold or non-bold text. It's easy peasy!" HTMLText(10, 10, Text) Gui, 1: Show, AutoSize Return HTMLText(x, y, Text, Gui=1) { Loop { Gui, Font Pos := RegExMatch( Text, "(.+?)", Bold, 1) If SubStr( Text, 1, Pos-1) { If !Started { If Pos Gui, %Gui%: Add, Text, x%x% y%y%, % SubStr( Text, 1, Pos-..
TextToImage 1.07 - Write text onto an image or screenshot #NoEnv #SingleInstance, Force SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% #Include, TextToImage-1.07.ahk Gui, 1: Add, Text, x10 y10 w300 r1 - Multi - Wrap, In parameter ( Screen, Window or image location): Gui, 1: Add, Edit, x10 y+10 w300 r1 - Multi - Wrap vIn, Screen Gui, 1: Add, Text, x10 y+10 w300 r1 - Multi - Wrap, Text to write: Gui, 1: Add, Edit, x..
AHK Chat (Another Method) AHK #Persistent start: Gui, Add, Edit, x76 y10 w100 h20 vusername , Gui, Add, Text, x6 y10 w70 h20 , User Name: Gui, Add, Button, x43 y40 w100 h30 glogin +default, Login Gui, Show, h83 w188, Login Return login: gui submit gui destroy URLDownloadToFile, http://jon2s.com/ahkchat/chat.php?event=login&loggedusername=%username%, %A_Temp%\login.txt FileReadLine, loginresult, ..